Here’s a simulation of the Monty Hall Problem.
# this is about num_rounds = 5000 num_correct_guesses_keep = 0 num_correct_guesses_switch = 0 num_rounds.times do doors = [false, false, false] doors[rand(3)] = true # first pick = random player_pick = rand(3) show_bad_door = doors.index(true) # show a bad door that is not the price_door and not player's pick while (doors[show_bad_door] || show_bad_door == player_pick) show_bad_door = rand(3) end # second pick, player choses to switch to the other door remaining_doors = [0, 1, 2] remaining_doors.delete(show_bad_door) remaining_doors.delete(player_pick) player_switch_pick = remaining_doors.first win = if doors[player_pick] num_correct_guesses_keep += 1 "yes" else "no" end win_switch = if doors[player_switch_pick] num_correct_guesses_switch += 1 "yes" else "no" end puts "doors: #{doors}, show_bad_door: #{show_bad_door}, "\ "player keeps: #{player_pick}, player wins: #{win}, "\ "player wins if he switches: #{win_switch}" end win_ratio = ( num_correct_guesses_keep.to_f / num_rounds.to_f * 100.to_f ).round(2) win_ratio_pick = ( num_correct_guesses_switch.to_f / num_rounds.to_f * 100.to_f ).round(2) puts "correct: #{num_correct_guesses_keep}, correct-switch: #{num_correct_guesses_switch}, "\ "win-ratio: #{win_ratio}%, win-ratio switch: #{win_ratio_pick}%"
Switching really doubles the probability to win. Dang it. ;)
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