Lukas Z's Blog

own email-server website icon

UPDATE (Dec. 12th 2013): “Emailserver Page Is Offline”

I just launched

It’s a little offering I want to make for everyone that would like to have their own dedicated email server, beause Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoomail etc. have become increasingly unsafe.

The idea is that you rent a¡dedicated or virtual Ubuntu server in the cloud and give me your password and 50 bucks. I will log on and install and configure your new email-server. Afterwards you check if it works and change the password.

And then you have your own email-server with as many email accounts as you like. With your own domain-name of course.

Anyway, I am offering this now, and I wonder if anyone is interested.

More to come.

Dark Patterns

Shady Opt-Out

In a post called “The Slippery Slope” the author talks about shady tactics by online-businesses. It’s mostly about UX that tries to hide/obscure certain things from the users. Things like “Sign up for our newsletter”, “buy a subscription” or “enable ad-tracking”.

The examples are great and it’s worth your time to read it.

As with most scams, some consumers will say “That’s nothing new. This has always be happening. Think about Nokia-ringtones in the 90s that would come with a subscription.”

True, but this is a nice reminder. And good examples make consumers more alert the next time they sign up for something.

Btw. even Apple isn’t excluded. They hide their “Ad tracking”-option in some obscure settings-submenu using unnecessarily indirect language in the option-label. Quite shady, Apple!

The Camera Club

Here’s another business idea.

Now we know that our governments are spying on us. They have the capability to intercept and store practically all of our internet traffic, including emails and phone calls. Perhaps it’s time to play around with other ideas concerning massive surveillance.

The business I imagine is a sort of a “camera club”. Users can buy surveillance cameras and connect them to modems. These modems are set up to transmit live video to the camera club, twenty-four hours a day. Each of them is just filming the street. Perhaps looking out of the window of the camera club member’s home.

The data is of course accumulated and analyzed. Useful information is automatically extracted.

The camera club automatically collects things like biometric data (including face recognition) or license plate numbers of cars. Everything is automatically parsed and stored in a database. The data gets packaged and sold to private businesses and government agencies for a nice profit.

The users that hook up the cameras to their modems get to access all the camera data for free in exchange. For example, each of them can download and browse any other user’s video data from, say, the last 24 hours. They also get reminders to reset their modems or check their connections in case their camera goes offline.

All this could lead to a near perfect coverage of all streets in realtime. For bootstrapping one quarter of a city, preferably some place with elevated street crime (for easier acceptance), would be sufficient.

Of course, I wouldn’t want the camera club to exist. I don’t want to live in a country where I’m filmed every moment of the day when stepping outside the building. But I won’t be holding my breath that a company like this won’t happen.

Everybody (governments and service providers) seem to be lying right now. For what it’s worth, the camera club would seem more honest.

The RSA-Algorithm (in Ruby)

It’s been a while since I looked at how public-key encryption actually works. I thought I need to refresh my knowledge, so here’s a quick summary of the RSA algorithm.

The Idea

The idea is that there are two keys, one public and one private. If I wanted to send you an encrypted message, I would encrypt it with your public key. But using the same public key, I could no longer decrypt it.

Only you can do it, with the private key which, of course, is private and only in your posession.

The public and the private key are just very (very very) big numbers.

It’s impossible (or rather completely, totally unlikely) to calculate the private key from the public key.

Mathematically speaking..

Encryption is, basically, just raising a number (=message) to an exponent (public) modulo some value (public).

Decryption is, basically, just raising a number (=encrypted message) to an exponent (private) modulo some value (public).

It just works with numbers, but any data is bascially a number. If you took this blog post, it would be just one veeeeery long number that, given the encoding (= meaning), represents this post.

So for encryption we have

    c = m ^ e (mod n) 

And for decryption it’s

    m = c ^ d (mod n)


    m = plaintext
    c = ciphertext
    e = public exponent
    n = public modulus
    d = private exponent

and the sign = in the above two equasions is actually not “equals to” but “congruent to”, since we are doing modular arithmetic.

That’s it.

The only difficulty is in calculating the keys. the random numbers p * q that make up the product n have to be very large for the cipher ot be secure. And calculating the secret exponent d is a matter of finding the multiplicative inverse for e “under” modulo(phi(n)).

That sounds weird, but it’s very similar to the reciprocal that everyone knows, namely the one, where multiplying the number and its inverse yields 1. For example 5, where the multiplicative inverse is 1/5, because 5 * 1/5 = 1. Same here, except we’re doing modular arithmetic, and we’re dealing with large numbers.

Ruby implementation

Here’s some ruby code that generates keys and uses them to encrypt and decrypt a message.

Note that this only demonstrates the principle. It is probably not entirely secure and definitely not very useful. (See discussion below)

But it runs and you can try it out. :)

class Integer
  # This method to check for primes is not 100% reliable, but almost.
  # Advantage: speed
   def prime?
     n = self.abs
     return true if n == 2
     return false if n == 1 || n & 1 == 0
     return false if n > 3 && n % 6 != 1 && n % 6 != 5

     d = n-1
     d >>= 1 while d & 1 == 0
     20.times do
       a = rand(n-2) + 1
       t = d
       y = Integer.mod_pow( a, t, n )
       while t != n-1 && y != 1 && y != n-1
         y = (y * y) % n
         t <<= 1
       return false if y != n-1 && t & 1 == 0
     return true

   # a^b mod c , using much quicker squaring-method
   # check out
   # for more information.
   def self.mod_pow( base, power, mod )
     res = 1
     while power > 0
       res = (res * base) % mod if power & 1 == 1
       base = base ** 2 % mod
       power >>= 1

class RSA
  # E is the public-exponent, must be positive and smaller than φ(n) = φ(p * q)
  # greatest common divisor of e and φ(n) is 1 (= they are coprime).
  # usually 65537, because we use binary exponentiation and this number is prime
  # and only has two 1's in binary representation (= less cpu-time).
  E = 65537

  class << self

    # Returns the public modulus, the public exponent and the private key.
    def generate_keys( bits )
      n, e, d = 0
      p = random_prime( bits )
      q = random_prime( bits )
      n = p * q
      d = get_d( p, q, E )
      [n, E, d]

    # Encrypts a message with the public modulus (of the receiver).
    # First encode string as a (large) number.
    def encrypt( m, n )
      m = s_to_n( m )
      Integer.mod_pow( m, E, n )

    # Decrypts using the private exponent
    def decrypt( c, n, d )
      m = Integer.mod_pow( c, d, n )
      n_to_s( m )


    # Convert number to string
    def n_to_s( n )
      s = ""
      while( n > 0 )
        s = ( n & 0xFF ).chr + s
        n >>= 8
    # Convert string to number
    def s_to_n( s )
      n = 0
      s.each_byte do |b| 
        n = n * 256 + b 

    # Generate a random number and check if
    # it's prime until a prime is found.
    def random_prime( bits )
        n = random_number( bits )
        return n if
      end while true

    # Concatenate string (begins and ends with 1)
    # to get desired length and an uneven value.
    def random_number( bits )
      m = (1..bits-2).map{ rand() > 0.5 ? '1' : '0' }.join
      s = "1" + m + "1"
      s.to_i( 2 )

    # Euler's totient function, φ(p,q)
    # needed so a multiplicative inverse (private key)
    # can be calculated.
    def phi( a, b )
      (a - 1) * (b - 1)

    # Check out
    # for the maths.
    def extended_gcd( a, b )
      return [0,1] if a % b == 0
      x, y = extended_gcd( b, a % b )
      [y, x - y * (a / b)]

    # Calculate the multiplicative inverse d with d * e = 1 (mod φ(p,q)),
    # using the extended euclidian algorithm.
    def get_d(p, q, e)
      t = phi( p, q )
      x, y = extended_gcd( e, t ) 
      x += t if x < 0

# (n,e) = public key
# (n,d) = private key
n,e,d = RSA.generate_keys( 256 )

# Something we can't possibly say in public
m = "The Fast And The Furious is a great movie!"

puts "public exponent: %x" % e
puts "public modulus : %x" % n
puts "private exp    : %x" % d

puts ""
puts "Message        : %s" % m
puts ""

c = RSA.encrypt( m, n )

puts "Encrypted      : %x" % c
puts ""
puts "Decrypt again  : %s" % RSA.decrypt( c, n, d )


So the above code implements RSA. However, there are some downsides to this implementation.

  1. The message cannot be longer than the key.
  2. The cipher can probably be broken.

Actually, both problems are addressed with the same solution. (And please, take this with a grain of salt, I am a total amateur just scratching the surface here.)

What is missing here is a formatting or padding scheme. If we want to encrypt long messages (arbitrary length) we need to be able to split them up so they are in chunks that can be encrypted.

Also, we need to harden the algorithm against attacks. One such hardening measure is adding random noise to each block, which is used as padding. The result is that the ciphertext will be completely different each time, but the receiver, since he knows how to apply (or un-apply) the padding, will be able to remove it again.

These things are complicated, but the core algorithm is easy. However, they are necesary to avoid certain weaknesses. That’s why, generally, just because a software encrypts data, it does not necessarily mean they do it right. You have to know what you do and/or use well known and well tested libraries. (OpenSSL comes to mind.)

As you can see there’s also some “trickery” involved. And I just mean that you need to use special algorithms, because you can’t just tell the computer to take a number with 500 digits and raise it to the power of another number of 500 digits. It would typically fail or be very slow. Same thing with checking if such a large number is prime. Thus the “good enough” algorithm above.

That’s it

I don’t know. I just wanted to write this down. Just so you can see that it’s not very difficult. Even if the proofs why it’s secure, why it works in the first place, may be not.

Btw. this whole code is based on this great Github repository. This guy also has implementations of other algorithms and some great explanation docs.

Encrypted Notifications

Just a quick thought.

I was talking about encrypted e-mail today and I wonder if it could be a selling point for web applications.

The idea:

Pick a web-service, doesn’t matter if it’s a project management-tool, an open-source code repo, a pizza delivery service or a pornographic website. The point is that you often (possibly always, given the disadvantages of openID) still sign up with an email address. You get a confirmation mail, click the link, and they send you email-notificatitons from then on. Yadayada.

What if they sent out encrypted emails?

Doesn’t matter if it’s PGP/GPG or S/MIME or something else. I think some people would appreciate it. It would also send a positive message that the company cares about these things.

And it would help spread the technology.

Ruby on Rails Tutorial (Video)

A few months ago I created an Ember.js video-tutorial. Some people were happy with it, which means I helped them to learn Ember.js. And this in turn, makes me happy.

So, because I had time today, I decided to create another one of these tutorials. This time it’s about the best web-development framework in the world, Java Server Pages.

I’m kidding. Of course it’s about Ruby on Rails.

Here is the video (click on link below for HD-link):

Click here to watch on Vimeo (HiDef-Version)

The code for the demo-application is hosted at Github.

I apologzie for the poor sound quality. I think you can still understand me though, so I didn’t record everything a second time.

Also, in the beginning I say I want to finish in 30 minutes. It’s almost twice the time.. Well, I had fun.

Hiding Our Data From the Government

The NSA-story is making headlines. That is a good thing. While it may not immediately change things for the better, it’s important that these issues are in the minds of the people so we can all reflect on them. Because they are important.

They probably matter more to people like programmers. (As Paul Graham pointed out somewhere: The personality traits that make a good programmer seem to be the same personality traits that make one question authority.) But ultimately, as we are heading for a highly technological future with interconnected devices becoming part of our daily routines, these issues matter to everyone. And will increasingly continue to do so.

First things first, though.

Yes, Edward Snowden should be considered a hero. He not only stood up for what he believed is right - at the cost of probably throwing away any chance of having a normal life for himself. He also raised a hand and spoke up in advocacy for something that is a very important cornerstone of a democracy. The ability for the people to check on what their government is doing and, like a referee, being able to call a foul-play.

And since democracy, at least in my view, is a very important achievement of human civilization, any energy invested in upholding it, is energy well spent. That includes what Mr. Snowden did. That includes the media reporting on it. And that includes the time spent by everyone thinking about these things. In order to answer a few questions for themselves.

Let’s ask ourselves some questions

For example:

  • Should the government be able to pass laws in secret in a country that considers itself a democracy?
  • Should the government be able to know as much as private companies? [2]
  • What do we have to gain if secret organisations spy on citizens on their behalf?
  • What do we have to lose?
  • What does history tell us about government spying on the people? [3]
  • Can we still trust internet service providers such as Google with our email?

And so forth.. Everyone can ask his or her own questions and try to come up with answers.

What Technoglogy can and can’t do

Since I am a programmer I can say something about the technological aspect of it. If we wanted to secure our data today, could we even do it? Well, let’s just take email as an example.

It should be known by now that sending an email is like sending a postcard. Everyone involved in the delivery of an email message (this includes a dozen computers owned by different organizations) can simply read that message.

Fortunately there’s a remedy for that: Encryption.[4]

Encrypting an email is a method to make sure that only the recipient of the message will be able to read its contents. That’s the equivalent of putting the letter in an envelope.

But the problem is: It’s almost impossible to do for the average person, because it simply is too complicated. You have to concern yourself with the basics of cryptography and install software that, at this point in time, still isn’t very intuitive to use.

The solution, of course, is to build products, let’s say an email client, that do provide encryption and are easy to use. (It’s not too difficult to imagine such a product.) We could have encrypted emails and most users wouldn’t even have to worry about it. It would just be, well, secure.

But would it?

Ultimately, the problem with security is that you have to trust someone. Simply because you cannot verify everything yourself. That is an impossible task.

And I am not even talking about understanding encryption alorithms (which, on a sidenote, aren’t that complicated). I am talking about the software and hardware your secure email is running on.

In the end, the security of encryption is based on keeping your (private) key secret. But if others have full access to your computer (= they can read files on it), they can steal your key and then your security is out the window.

How exactly would you know that the company that wrote the email software is not sharing your key clandestinely? How would you know your Operating System isn’t doing the same thing? Or how about the company that build your mobile phone? [5]

The answer is that, in practice, you really can’t. [6]

Other Forms of Protection

So far there has been “soft protection” in the sense that a deterrent for companies to spy on us has exited on the grounds that if they got caught, it would be bad for their business.

But if the state is passing sercret laws that force companies to spy on customers and then lie about it the protection is gone.

Meaning that we neither can have protection by technology, nor do we have protecton by business motives and/or protection by reputation.

So what is left?

The Only Viable Solution

In the end, the initiative must be directed at lawmakers. It must be directed at politicians. It must be ensured that these issues are at the core of the values in a democratic system.

We must have governments where each branch of it is accountable for its actions to some other entity. And where the checking-powers are, in fact, exercised. [7] Transparently.

In my view the problem is similar to the problem of corruption. It is very damaging to countries (from individual welfare to the economy as a whole), and very difficult to get rid of.

But, just like the surveillance state, corruption must be fought against. A battle at a time. Because the consequences can be truly horrible.

Call to Action

I encourage everyone to study the history of former soviet countries. Read books by George Orwell. Look at new democracies like Poland, Romania, Croatia. See what problems they are dealing with or have dealt with since the end of the iron curtain. Learn what it takes to become a democratic state in the sense of the EU. What independence means. What freedom means. Why the founders of the United States of America agreed on that constitution and not a different one.

Look at what is at stake here. Help to shape politics that make it difficult and illegal for the government to break important rules that justify and make up the basis for our civilizational achievements.


Edward Snowden sparked a very imporant debate. For that I want to thank him.

And now it’s time to look at America. I hope the Americans will kick some ass now. Because some asses truly deserve to be kicked. Right out of their chairs.


[1] On Prism, partisanship and propaganda - The Guardian

[2] Should the government know less than Google? - The Economist

[3] The Lives of Others trailer - YouTube

[4] Encrypt Your Email With GPG

[5] He who smelt it, dealt it. Remember how the US government complained about the sale of Huawei phones in the USA? Because the Chinese could spy on Americans? How ironic, but not really suprising, that they would say that. Isn’t it. ;)

[6] That is a benefit of open source software though.

[7] A quick review of US government strucure

The Circle of Knowledge (a Poem)

Stumbled over this poem reading Slashdot:

The Circle of Knowledge

All philosophy is anthropology;
All anthropology is psychology;
All psychology is biology;
All biology is chemistry;
All chemistry is physics;
All physics is math;
All math is philosophy. :-)

Written by Paul Fernhout.

Client Certificates With Apache on OSX

It’s possible to authenticate a user on a website using client certificates instead of a username and a password. The webserver, in my case Apache, uses a server certificate and only clients with the correct client certificate are able to connect to it.

Last night, for an experiment, I’ve created such a setup on OS X 10.8.4 Mountain Lion using the Apache that is pre-installed on OS X.

To save others some headache, here’s the walkthrough on how to go about it. Please keep in mind that I am not an Apache2 config expert or an ssl-guru. There’s probably room for improvement in the configuration files and process listed below.

Make sure you check out the link I’ve pasted at the very bottom of this article. It was a huge help to make this work!


  • Set up some small app to serve the protected content
  • Configure Apache to act as a proxy for that app, SSL Only
  • Create Certificate Authority so I can sign my self-made certs
  • Create certificates
  • Configure Apache to only accept (and proxy) clients that present the right client certificate
  • Profit

So let’s get to work.

1. Set up some small app to server the protected content

For me this was a minimal Rails app that is serving a static webpage. In my case I was using thin and I’ve just started it listening to port 9090.

thin start -p 9090

2. Configure Apache to act as a proxy for that app, SSL Only

The default Apache on OSX has its config files in the folder /etc/apache2/ which in fact is /private/etc/apache2. It has a subfolder users that has configs for each user on the system. So in my case, I edited /etc/apache2/users/lukas.conf.

  <VirtualHost localhost:443> # -- already using SSL port here
    ServerName localhost
    ProxyRequests Off
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    ProxyPass /
    <Location />
            ProxyPassReverse /
            Order deny,allow

This just means that every connection that comes in on port :443 will be forwarded to port :9090. Replace :443 with :80 and restart Apache and you should be able to see the app from Step 1. when typing http://localhost in your browser.

To restart apache you can type

sudo apachectl -k restart

Now, because we said “SSL Only” in the task description, we have to ensure that only SSL connections are accepted. So here’s what my lukas.conf looks like if we do that:

  Listen 443

  <VirtualHost *:80>
          <Location />

  <VirtualHost localhost:443>
    ServerName localhost
    ProxyRequests Off
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    ProxyPass /
    SSLCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM:!aNULL:!MD5
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/certs/web.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/certs/web.key
    <Location />
            ProxyPassReverse /
            Order deny,allow

The config mentions two files, web.crt and web.key. It’s time to create those.

Note: If this doesn’t work, then take a look at the apache config in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and ensure that the Proxy and SSL modules are being loaded. (That the appropriate lines are not commented out.)

3. Create Certificate Authority so I can sign my self-made certs

I think a CA (and all certs) can be created using the keychain tool that is included in OS X. However, I prefer the command line approach with openssl. It also has the nice side-effect that the guide will be (mostly) valid on a Linux-machine.

I’ve created two directories, /etc/apache2/certs/ and /etc/apache2/certs/ca. And then I’ve used the shell script from here to create the CA. I’ve pasted the contents into in /etc/apache2/certs.

mkdir -p ${CAROOT}/ca.db.certs   # Signed certificates storage
touch ${CAROOT}/ca.db.index      # Index of signed certificates
echo 01 > ${CAROOT}/ca.db.serial # Next (sequential) serial number

# Configuration
[ ca ]
default_ca = ca_default

[ ca_default ]
certs = $dir
new_certs_dir = $dir/ca.db.certs
database = $dir/ca.db.index
serial = $dir/ca.db.serial
RANDFILE = $dir/ca.db.rand
certificate = $dir/ca.crt
private_key = $dir/ca.key
default_days = 365
default_crl_days = 30
default_md = md5
preserve = no
policy = generic_policy
[ generic_policy ]
countryName = optional
stateOrProvinceName = optional
localityName = optional
organizationName = optional
organizationalUnitName = optional
commonName = supplied
emailAddress = optional

sed -i "s|REPLACE_LATER|${CAROOT}|" ${CAROOT}/ca.conf

cd ${CAROOT}

# Generate CA private key
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 1024

# Create Certificate Signing Request
openssl req -new -key ca.key  \
                 -out ca.csr       

# Create self-signed certificate
openssl x509 -req -days 10000 \
              -in ca.csr      \
              -out ca.crt     \
              -signkey ca.key

As you can see, it (amongst other files) creates the ca.conf in /etc/apache2/certs/ca with the contents of everything between the two occurrences of EOF. Afterwards it creates a key, a signing request, and finally the singing certificate ca.crt in the ca-folder.

So now just run this shell script with bash

It will ask you to enter details for your CSR. Make sure you enter localhost when it asks for the FQDN. (Or your domain should you be following these steps for anything else than localhost.) Whatever it is, it should match what you have entered in the apache config as ServerName.

When it’s done make sure you open /etc/apache2/certs/ca/ca.conf and replace the string REPLACE_LATER with /etc/apache2/certs/ca.

Voila, we have our own GoDaddy now. Just a pity that no browser in the world, not even our own, will trust our certificates!

Let’s move on.

4. Create certificates

We need two certificates. The before mentioned web.crt and a client.crt that will be imported into the OS X-keychain so the browsers can access it.

Creating a certificate is straightforward. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Create a private key
  2. Use private key to generate a Certificate Signing Request
  3. Sign CSR with own CA and create the certificate.

So first let’s create the server certs (these will have passphrases that you must type and remember):

openssl genrsa -des3 -out web.key # create key
openssl req -new -key web.key -out web.csr # create csr
openssl ca -config ca/ca.conf -in web.csr -cert ca/ca.crt -keyfile ca/ca.key -out ./web.crt # sign and create certificate

When you now restart Apache it will ask for the passphrase. You should also be now able to connect to https://localhost in your browser. (Your browser will display an ugly, scary warning that you can ignore since it’s just your local box and you won’t scare away any users..)

Okay, now let’s create the client certificate. The one our browser will have to show to get access to the webapp.

openssl genrsa -des3 -out client.key 1024 # create key
openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr # create csr
openssl ca -config ca/ca.conf -in client.csr -cert ca/ca.crt -keyfile ca/ca.key -out client.crt # sign and create certificate

For the CN you can enter your own name, since the certificate is issued for you, the user that wants to access the webapp.

Finally, let’s convert the cert to pkcs#12.

openssl pkcs12 -export -clcerts -in client.crt -inkey client.key -out client.p12

It may ask for an export password. You will need it when you (or the user you issued this for) later import the cert into the keychain.

Before we move on to the last step, let me just mention that the whole CA-business doesn’t have to be in a subfolder of your apache config. It can be on a completely different machine. It’s just a few files that help with issuing certificates and they haven’t got anything to do with Apache. It’s in this folder here for convenience (you would only need the ca.crt file in this setup, btw.), but I would probably put them in an entirely different (and very safe) place if I for example was GoDaddy..

Now the grand finale:

5. Configure Apache to only accept (and proxy) clients that present the right client certificate

Back to the Apache config! We have to tell Apache to disconnect everyone with an SSL-error that doesn’t present the right client certificate.

  Listen 443

  <VirtualHost *:80>
          <Location />

  <VirtualHost localhost:443>
    ServerName localhost
    ProxyRequests Off
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    ProxyPass /
    SSLCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM:!aNULL:!MD5
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/certs/web.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/certs/web.key
    SSLVerifyClient require # <--- here we go, client must show his cert
    SSLCACertificateFile /etc/apache2/certs/ca/ca.crt # <--- the ca-cert
    <Location />
            ProxyPassReverse /
            Order deny,allow

Restart apache. You should no longer be able to connect to https://localhost.

6. Profit

In order to be able to connect again you must import the client certificate into the keychain.

Simply open client.p12 and keychain should automatically open and ask you to import the key. Now refresh your browser, you should be able to connect.

Finally, especially in case of any problems, don’t miss this post on It’s a fantastic guide on how to make this work and I would probably still be scratching my head if it wasn’t for this text.